Thursday, June 19, 2014

He liked it so he put a ring on it.

So my ring is absolutely gorgeous and I am so in love with it! Here, see for yourself!


I just barely got this ring today because the one that he proposed with was just a loaner ring. This one is just perfect.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Proposal Story

Okay so here’s the story.

Wednesday after work, Mike and I went to a friends house to play games and catch up. On our way there I was reading Mike a text from his mother while he was driving. While I was reading it, I couldn’t help but notice a picture of a ring that his mother had sent him. Oh crap…I thought. I was NOT supposed to see that…I didn’t mention anything about it because I didn’t want Mike to feel bad if that was actually the ring he picked out for me. On the inside I was freaking out thinking that he possibly did in fact have a ring picked out for me. When we had stopped to get some food, he looked at his phone and then asked me if I had seen the picture. I said no…haha. (Shame on me for lying). He said that his mom had sent him a picture of a ring that she thought that I might like. It wasn’t actually my ring. (So he said). He asked what I thought of it. So I told him what I thought, “Eh, it’s pretty but it’s not my favorite.” (I like the halo style). So then after he told me that it wasn’t my ring and he wasn’t ready to go ring shopping I calmed down knowing that a proposal wasn’t coming at least for another month. Thursday morning I got a text from Michael that said this “Hey Brian and Cassie want to go do some little hike with us on Saturday. I think it would be fun. So like we, you and I, could do something in the morning then go hang with them fro like 3 for a couple hours. Wanna do that?” I said that that sounded fun but I thought we were planning on going to Shane Company to look at rings that day. He said that he is scared to go into Shane Company and asked if we could maybe just go next week. I said okay. So then later that day he text me and said that he would have to stay late that night at work because they missed a few things in training (he just started a new job at Discover Card). I didn’t really think much of it. The next day, Friday, he said that he would have to stay late again. But he was fine with it because he would be getting some extra money. Saturday I got up around 7:00a.m. because our plan was to get some breakfast at Kneaders, go to a movie and then go on a hike with Mike’s sister. So we did just that. Breakfast at Kneaders was delicious. They’re French Toast is to die for! Then we went and saw Edge of Tomorrow which was great! Afterwards we went to my house and had some lunch and waited for 3pm to roll around. We then headed over to his sisters house and hung out there until Brian came over. After everyone was ready we headed up to Big Cottonwood Canyon to go on a hike up there at Silver Lake. That name sounded super familiar to me and once we got there I realized that I had actually been there before! We started our little walk around this lake and then I mentioned to Mike that I had been here before and I had sent him a picture of a carving I had found on a dock that said “M+A” inside of a heart. So once we got to this dock I searched around for this carving. I finally found it and Michael and I knelt down next to it to take a picture. Cassie snapped a couple shots of us and then I got up. And when I looked over at Mike he was down on one knee and said, “Well while I’m down here.” Well heck, my first instinct was to tell him, “Shut up!” Because to be completely honest I thought he was pulling a Jim Halpert on me (from The Office). He then pulled out the ring box and that’s when I was like O.M.G! This is it! This is actually happening! I’m being proposed to! Something that every girl dreams about is happening to me RIGHT NOW!!! He then said, “Ashlee, will you marry me?” While holding back the tears and feeling my face going completely red as a tomato I said, “YES!” Then he said, “Well, don’t you wanna see the ring first?” Haha. What a dork. Regardless of what the ring looked like I was going to say yes. Then he got up and we hugged and kissed and I was beyond happy that I was officially engaged to my best friend :)




Here’s some funny parts about this proposal story. So Wednesday when I saw that picture of the ring on his phone, that apparently was in fact my ring that Michael had picked out for me earlier that week and since he wasn’t thrilled with my reaction (whoops) he went back to Shane Company on Thursday when he was supposed to be “staying late” to get a loaner ring for me so that I could go back after he proposed and pick out my own ring.

Friday when Mike had to “stay late” he was actually planning on asking for my fathers permission to marry me so he wanted to make sure that he had enough time and also to make sure I was out of the house he had me go to his house to meet him there after work. I did just that and when I got there I was talking with his mom, who apparently was in on the whole thing. The crappy thing for Mike was that my parents were actually at a movie so my dad was not there to ask for permission. Mike planned with my mother to come early Saturday morning to ask my dad but she didn’t tell my dad. Lol. Mike actually came into my house while I was sleeping Saturday morning. The story with that is funny too. When Mike got to my house my mom went over to my dad who was working on the sink in the bathroom and said, “Mike needs to talk to you.” Mike then said to my dad, “Kevin…it’s time.” My dad said, “What do you mean?” Mike said, “Well Kevin, I would like to marry your daughter.” Now, if you know my father you can guess his reaction to this statement……….Yep, that’s right he placed both hands on his forehead and ran his fingers through his hair and said Oh Boy. Haha. My dad then said, “I didn’t see this coming.” Haha. Which is kind of funny to me, I mean, who didn’t see this coming? Lol. My dad then said, “Of course you have my permission.” Which thinking of just makes me cry. I love my dad so much. Thanks for your blessing dad :)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

He asked…

And I said yes!

IMG_8400 2

We’re officially engaged! I couldn’t be happier. Story to come <3

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Hello all! Welcome to my new blog! The old blog wasn’t too fitting seeing as how Mike is home!!! (Man, I have been waiting soooo long to be able to write that). Life has been amazing having Mike home! Everything just feels…right. I finally have my missing piece back and it’s just grand! Haha. I will keep you updated about everything that happens with us but for now I’m going to go hang out with Mike…in person ;)

But get ready for my LIFE WHILE HE’S HOME blog!!!!!!! :D
